21 Erik(Eric) Valfrid(Walfrid) Gustafsson

Born 1903-10-12
Location: Appeldalen
Baptized 1903-10-30
Location: Västra Eneby
Died 1980-10-01
Age: 76 years
Location: Illinois


Name Anders Gustaf Gustafsson
Born 1860-04-01
Died 1938-07-11
Name Kristina Mathilda Carlsdotter
Born 1864-03-11
Died 1936-08-04


With Location Date Divorced
Esther Catherine Vigor Illinois 1934-08-18

Locations this person has lived in

Here you can see which locations we know for certain that this person has lived in. This is mostly used for small cottages and exact addresses. The dates are just there to get a rough idea of when the person lived there.
Location From date To date
Appeldalen 1903-10-12 1921-??-??
Väsby Mellangård 1921-??-?? 1921-??-??
1106 3rd Street

Other information

1923 - "Frånvarande vid mönstring, lär vistas i Amerika."
1924 - "Frånvarande vid mönstring."

Emigrerade till Amerika den 2:e april 1921 med fartyget S.S. Stockholm. I fartygets passagerarlista nämns Orion, Illinois som slutdestination. Hans bror Pontus Gustafsson, som emigrerade flera år tidigare, betalade resan.