1285 Harald

Born 1646-??-??
Location: Södra Vi
Died 1711-??-??
Age: circa 65 years
Buried 1711-10-27


Name Johannes Nicolai Dyk
Born 1599-??-??
Died 1648-??-??

Family tree

People in the tree with a striped background is either one of us or one of our ancestors.

Other information

Skolad i Linköping, började han 1668 eller 1669 som student vid universitet i Åbo.
Prästvigdes 1673 och 1678 komminister i Bälaryd socken.
Dog i samma socken.

Fick barnen Lisken, Brita, Israel, Israel, Johan, Magnus, Zacharias, Caisa och Magnus.

Photos containing this person

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